No Limits Strength Training

No Limits Strength Training

Lose inches while strengthening all your major muscle groups by combining strength training and cardio in the same workout. Move through timed stations to keep your heart rate up as you strengthen all major muscle groups. Learn to safely use fitness equipment to maximize your results while taking control of your individual improvement. Class will conclude with a yoga-type stretch cool down. Class format may vary. 

Class Trainer
Emily Cilibraise

Emily holds a BA degree with an emphasis in Human Resources from Western Michigan University. She has been a WITS and NCSF certified Master Personal Trainer since 2008. She also holds a specialty certification as a Lifestyle and Weight Specialist, Sports Nutrition, TRX, Kettlebell and as a Yoga Essentials 1 and 2 instructor. Emily incorporates a holistic approach to her client sessions, targeting all components of health, wellness & lifestyle. Her focus is on teaching proper form, posture, and balance helps ensure body and spatial awareness. Emily aims to educated clients, help them achieve behavioral change and create lifelong healthy habits.